Women's History Month & a Word about Legacy
March is Women's History Month; I'm honored to speak at Oak Lawn Library on March 16 (click my FB Link below for details). All of us leave a lasting legacy, sometimes we don't realize all the lives we touch. I was honored to be interviewed recently by Lisa Haisha for her Legacy Series; Lisa is blazing trails as a Women's Advocate, Life Coach, and her Whispers foundation. If you'd like to know what I have in common with Angelina Jolie and Kathy Bates, it would be that we've rubbed shoulders with Lisa. That's right, Lisa is "Life Coach to the Stars" in LA/Hollywood; she has traveled the world, researched many cultures along the way, and is broadening subjective concepts such as legacy, purpose, and meaning in one's life. The taped interview will be posted to my Facebook as soon as it's available--I'm in the queue along with many others! If you haven't already done so, please "Like" my Facebook page & you'll receive updates from there. Otherwise, stay tuned & I'll post a note here on The Blog....I'm on pins & needles to see the interview also! Thanks and peace to you as you Rock Your Legacy! We all have a much larger legacy than we realize.
Facebook Events Page (it's public so anyone can view it, even if you don't have a FB account) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Melanie-Holmes/467706716674112?sk=events&ref=page_internal